Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Little Entrepreneurs

Yesterday, Jackson and Mackenzie decided to make a "drink stand" in the front yard. (They were planning on a lemonade stand, but Mommy only had Kool-aid.) Jackson made the sign and Mackenzie and I made the Kool-aid. Their original idea was to charge $1 a cup, but luckily I talked them down to 25 cents a cup. After setting up our stand, I prepared them not expect that many customers... it wasn't exactly rush hour in the neighborhood at 4:00 p.m.. BOY WAS I WRONG! We even had to make a second pitcher! Every single person that drove by stopped to buy a drink... even the UPS driver...and then the neighbors started coming out of their houses. Jackson took care of managing the stand and Mackenzie stood on the side of the road in her sunglasses and dimples attracting the customers. They must have soaked in an episode or two of The Apprentice when they watched it with us as babies. In total they made $5.50! For those of you that don't want to do the math, they sold 22 cups of Kool-aid!!! I loved watching their excitement. And of course the teacher in me couldn't pass up a few lessons in how to count money and give change. ;) I have attached a few cute pictures... I love the hand holding a "wad of cash" on the sign Jackson made! Is this how Donald Trump got started?


Anonymous said...

I love it! You should have called and we would for sure be a customer, but it looks like you did pretty well!

Anonymous said...

I really like the picture that the kids illustrated. Handing over a wad of cash for a cool glass of kool-aid is awesome. I think I might be able to get them a consulting gig with our marketing department.

Anonymous said...

i love that you are blogging! now i can keep tabs on the greenes:) i can't believe your babies are not babies anymore. they are so big! hope to see you soon-